Athleticism: Scholarships

Athleticism: Lou was a beast in the water. He practiced and competed with unmatched determination. When asked how he did it once after a particularly astounding swim meet performance, he replied that it was easy, “you just push the water out of the way.” He was focused on winning (and has many medals and records to prove it) but he also cared deeply about his teammates. Applicants are asked, “How has participating in a sport had a positive effect on (or changed) your life? The 2018 deadline to apply has passed.

Live for Lou has donated to the following organizations and individuals!

*Nauset Turf


Live for Lou Athletes Scholarship
Purpose: For graduating high school seniors from Nauset Regional High School to pursue athletics on a college/university team. Preference for Wellfleet residents.
# of Awards:      2
Amount:              $2,500 each

2014-2015 LFL Swimmer Scholarship Recipients

2015 Recipients ($2,500 Each)
-John McLoughlin – University of Miami
-Hannah Walsh – Lynn University

Live for Lou Swimmers Scholarship

2016 Recipients ($2,500 Each)
-Hannah Johnson – Bates College
Taigh Lawless – Trinity College

2017 Recipients ($2,500 each)
-Emma Stevens – Roger Williams University
-Nika Dadoly – Wheaton College

2018 Recipients ($2,500 each)
-LaToya Brown – Bard College
-Connor Stephens – College of the Holy Cross

2019 Recipients ($2,500 each)
-Katie Leland – Emmanuel College
-Stephen Kalinick – UMass Amherst

2020 Recipients ($2,500 each)
-Montana Bailey – American University
-Spencer Rushnak – Roger Williams University

2021 Recipients ($2,500 each)
-Tess Taloumis – Roanoke College
-Richard Corres – Suffolk University